CBD for Sleep: Can it Help?

People often take Cannabidiol (or CBD)CBD to help deal with anxiety or pain-related issues, which can all affect sleep. 

But there are plenty of other reasons why your sleep can be interrupted – if you can even fall asleep, that is. Insomnia is one reason why people seek out CBD with the hope of getting a good night’s rest.

CBD Helps Promote Restful Sleep

According to The Sleep Foundation, preliminary research suggests that CBD can help with a number of sleep disorders, including insomnia, REM sleep behavior disorder, and excessive daytime sleepiness. CBD can also help improve the quality of sleep and, in turn, reduce anxiety.

The Endocannabinoid System and Sleep

Your body’s own endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a role in maintaining certain body functions such as sleep. Your ECS helps your body stay in balance by producing molecules called endocannabinoids. Ongoing research is now shedding light on their role in regulating our body’s functions and how they affect: 

  • Stress
  • Sleep
  • Inflammation
  • Appetite
  • Disease response

CBD is an organic compound extracted from cannabis. It teams up with your body’s naturally-occurring endocannabinoids to influence your wake and sleep cycle, helping you get better sleep at night.

Along with that, CBD may help decrease anxiety and pain, which, in turn, can also improve your sleep cycle.

What CBD Products Should You Explore for Sleep?

We offer several products to help you get better sleep. Our CBN/CBD sleep tincture is great for sleep and relaxation. And our blue raspberry sleep gummies help you get the rest you deserve.

Have questions? Feel free to contact the knowledgeable Drops of Life team with any questions you have about CBD and its benefits.

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