What is CBN?

In the past few years, CBD has hit the market with a bang.  From gummies to tinctures to donuts at your local bakery, you can get a variety of products with this powerful compound.  While many people have become familiar with the benefits of CBD, many others aren’t quite as familiar with CBD’s sleep-inducing cousin, CBN.

CBD and CBN are both compounds of the cannabis plant that have been extracted for their beneficial properties.  Every cannabis plant has over 100 different compounds, and researchers are learning more every day about all the health benefits that they can provide people and even pets.  If you’re curious to learn more about CBN read on to get some answers!

What is CBN?

Cannabinol (CBN) is a compound found in cannabis plants, just like CBD.  CBN is formed when the main ingredient in cannabis plants, THC, is heated and exposed to oxygen, which causes in to turn into CBN.

Can CBN Get You High?

Because CBN is formed from the psychoactive compound found in cannabis known as THC, many people assume CBN produces a “high” as well.  While CBN may have mild psychoactive effects that aren’t typically associated with CBD, it does not produce the same “high” sensations that THC does.

Is CBN Better Than CBD?

CBN and CBD are quite similar and have a similar host of benefits, but CBN differs slightly in it’s composition and how it interacts with humans’ endocannabinoid system.  While CBD is shown to help with sleep quality, CBN has been found to be an even more effective sleep aid for those that have tried it.

What Are the Health Benefits of CBN?

Even more so that CBD, CBN is known to help people achieve better sleep quality when taken before bedtime.  While everyone will have to find the specific dose that works best for them, taking a combination CBD/CBN supplement around an hour before bed can help you fall asleep and stay asleep.  If you’re seeking a good night’s rest, this may be the supplement for you.


If you’re interested in trying out a CBD/CBN sleep supplement, we have the product for you! Our Drops of Life Sleep Tincture is a great way to reap all the benefits of these compounds.  Try it today!


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