Can CBD Help With Chronic Pain?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is an interesting substance for many reasons.  Found naturally in marijauna and hemp plants, it is a type of cannabinoid that does not provide a “high” or “buzz,” but still provides many of the medicinal benefits that are associated with traditional marijauna.

The research on CBD has been fairly limited up until recently, due to the regulations and laws surrounding cannabis research as a whole.  However, as laws have changed and become more tolerant of THC-free cannabis, the early research regarding CBD’s ability to reduce chronic pain has been rather promising.

How Does CBD Interact With Our Bodies?

To understand how CBD can work against chronic pain, it is important to understand how it interacts with our bodies.  Humans are naturally equipped with an endocannabinoid system that produces cannabinoids that regulate sleep, immune system responses, and pain.  This endocannabinoid system can also receive input from external cannabinoids, which allow it to interact favorably with CBD.

How Can CBD Reduce the Impact of Chronic Pain?

When CBD enters your system, it does not produce a high like THC does, but it still provides your brain with important information.  Studies suggest that CBD influences the endocannabinoid system in our bodies as well as other receptor systems, which can in turn signal the body to change its perception of pain.  It is believed that CBD can increase the pain regulating compound anandamide in addition to eliminating inflammation, both of which can reduce the feeling of chronic pain in the body.

In various studies, CBD has been shown to reduce the pain associated with chronic neuropathy, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and generalized chronic pain.  CBD has also been successfully used in studies for pain management in chemotherapy patients, and has been shown to reduce the extent and duration of migraines in chronic migraines sufferers.

Though this data is still limited and further research is ongoing each day, it is clear that CBD does have a lot of potential for those that suffer from chronic pain. Whether taken orally to interact directly with the endocannabinoid system, or used topically for localized pain such as arthritis treatment, CBD can be a great option for those who are seeking relief for debilitating chronic ailments.

If you are interested in trying CBD, we have plenty of products to suit your needs. From tinctures to snacks to topical treatments, check out our website today to see what we have to offer.

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