4 Fun CBD Facts

We may be biased, but we think cannabidiol (also known as CBD) is a fascinating compound with many uses and health benefits. A fairly new product in popular culture, there is a lot people don’t yet know about CBD.

Fortunately, if you’d like to learn more about CBD, you’re in the right place! We could literally talk about it all day, but below, we’ve highlighted some of our favorite fun facts for you to learn.

1. CBD is Not Derived From Marijuana Plants

While marijuana plants do contain CBD, commercial CBD on the market is typically derived instead from the hemp plant—a cousin of marijuana that has a much lower levels of THC than its more famous relative.

This is what allows people to reap all of the health benefits associated with CBD without the highs (and legal considerations) that THC is known for.

2. Humans Produce Their Own Cannabinoids

When you look at human biology, it is really no surprise that we’ve historically had an interest in hemp and marijuana—our bodies are actually designed to interact with them.

Humans have an endocannabinoid system that regulates functions such as sleep, mood, and appetite. Our bodies are already making their own cannabinoid-like substances to perform these functions. Because of this, CBD for sleep, pain relief, or relaxation is effective considering how it interacts with our endocannabinoid system. This is also why people find that CBD products are helpful when added to their daily routines.

3. CBD Dosing is as Unique as We Are

The most common question we get from first time CBD users is, “How much CBD should I take?” Because we all have unique endocannabinoid systems, we will all react to CBD amounts differently.

However, because CBD is not known to cause side effects or complications, it is typically safe for people to start off small and gradually work their way up to a level they feel comfortable with.

4. Scientists Are Still Learning About the Benefits of CBD

Research surrounding CBD is still in the early stages, and scientists have learned a lot about how helpful CBD can be. Studies report improvement in conditions ranging from PTSD, dietary upset, arthritis, epilepsy, and more—and some studies have found that these benefits extend to dogs and cats, too! While we’re still learning about the benefits of CBD, we’re confident that it can help you live a happier, healthier life!

Interested in Trying CBD?

If you’re interested in trying CBD to live your healthiest life, we have a variety of products that can help you do just that! Shop our store today to see what we have in stock.

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